Political Parties Corrupt in Nepal? Sajha Sawal Episode 296

One of the recent reports has shown that the political parties representing our country are the most corrupted ones in Nepal. According to transparency international’s Global Corruption Barometer Report for 2013, Political Parties are the most corrupted organisations in Nepal. This 296th Episode of Sajha Sawal discusses to find out if Political Parties are really corrupted in Nepal.

Political Parties Corrupted in Nepal Sajha Sawal Episode

Watch the episode below.

Discussing the issue what makes people think Political Parties are the most corrupted in Nepal are Sharada Bhushal (Anti-corruption activist), Bishnu Bahadur KC (Chairperson, Transparency International Nepal Chapter), Hari Roka (Writer and Analyst) and Narahari Acharya (Leader, Nepali Congress).

Sharada Bhushal Anti-corruption activist

Bishnu Bahadur KC Chairperson Transparency International Nepal

Hari Roka Writer and Analyst

Narahari Acharya Leader Nepali Congress

Why do you think Political Parties are really corrupted in Nepal?

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