Sunayana Palikhe

Sunayana Palikhe

Sunayana Palikhe

Age: 21 years
Height: 5 feet6 inch
Weight: 113 Lbs
Education : College
From: Harrisonburg , VA

Hobbies and Interests :
My hobbies and interests include traveling, painting, sports, cooking and social services.
Three words to describe yourself :
Hardworking, Self-confident and ambitious
Why do you want to participate in this pageant?
Miss Nepal USA is a great platform for all young Nepali women like us to showcase our talent while at the same time building up our confidence and enhancing our personalities. Apart from that I see this platform as a stage where I can have a voice and make a difference in our community.
If you are selected for this title, what platform or issue will you speak throughout the year ?
If I am selected for this title I would love to join campaigns for improving and developing our water resources, establishing forests, and raising funds for health and education camps in rural areas of Nepal in order to raise awareness about the importance of health. I would also like to encourage our Nepali youths to do so as well.