Google includes Nepali Language in Google Translate
Good news for Nepali internet users that they don’t need to search for any Nepali unicode characters to write or translate in Nepali from English or any other languages. Google, starting today, has included Nepali language in its Google Translate app, which will help both the native Nepali language users and other non-native user groups.
Nepali is official language of Nepal with 44.6% of people in the country speaking Nepali as their mother tongue. Besides Nepal, Nepali is also widely spoken in various regions of India, Bhutan and Burma as a mother-tongue language. And with rapidly growing internet users within this Nepali Community, the online translation service will definitely be useful to several users.
Along with the addition of 9 more languages together with Nepali, Google can now support 80 different languages through its online translation service. ‘Google Translate’ will now be supporting four languages of Asian dialect including Maori, Mongolian, Nepali and Punjabi.
Besides the excitement of Google translation being available in Nepali Language , the dissatisfaction, however, arises from several errors related to Nepali grammar and quality of translation with Nepali language.
But that is something Google software will keep on improving based on its user suggestions. In a response to such quality related queries, Myriam Boubil, the Head Communications and Public Affairs of Google Southeast Asia, told that Google Translate, being a professional translator based on language dictionary software keeps updating and improving everyday.