Bhimdutta Movie to be Screening in Hong Kong
Bhimdutta Movie, a legendary biopic film produced by Nawal Khadka, will be screening in Hong Kong City. The show is being primed by Gorkha Son and Daughters’ Association, scheduled to release on 2nd March. The movie is based upon an epic story of the first communist martyr of Nepal, Bhimdutta Panta and his life.
Despite of his early revolutionary vision along the 1930s, Bhimdutta isn’t remembered much in the political outbreak of Nepal. But, he was a great farmer leader from Far Western Dadeldhura, who impudently rebelled against the tyranny of Ranas then. He was executed with help from direct Indian military intrusion in 1951.
In the movie directed by Himgyam Tashi, Nawal Khadka has played as Martyr Bhimdutta Panta. Actress Sumina Ghimire has played the role of Bhimdutta’s wife, and another actress Nisha Adhikari is an investigator in the movie. The movie has also featured role of artists Shriram Pudasaini and Kavita Sharma along with others. Shooting of the film was mainly done in Dadeldhura along with other major places known to be partaken the legacy of freedom fighter Bhimdutta. The movie was also drawn into incongruity for using Nepal Army’s helicopter in its shooting platform.
With the movie in its final phase of post-production, producer Nawal Khadka is excited about its worldwide screening. Producer Khadka said that the production team aims to present the story of independent political thinker of Nepal in global picture. While the movie will be screening on March in Hong Kong, the movie will hit the cinemas in Nepal late only after the new Nepali year.
Here’s one of the songs from the movie.